Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Here I Go.......

For years I have enjoyed reading blogs.

Last year I started teaching and grading blogs.

This year I have started introducing my peers to blogs.

Now people have started to ask if I blog..........

The answer up to now has been an emphatic "NO!"..........

I have always been one to keep my personal life just that, personal.     I figured my stories, ideas, comings and goings were boring (for the most part they are) and those that aren't I didn't want someone to think I was bragging........My goal of "keeping to myself" includes a "welcome" mat in my basement that says "Go Away"!

HOWEVER.......... (imagine me saying this in a Stephen A. Smith voice)..........

Times have changed.     Now, as I try to help my peers out with their technology inquiries I think it will be beneficial for me to have a new platform to share whatever knowledge I may have about Google and Gadgets.......(expect the Grunske part of the title to remain personal)..........

So, HERE GOES............


My hope is that you find something here that you can use to help you do your job better, more efficiently and that this will ripple effect into your classroom through better, smarter and more engaging lessons!

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